The International Cooperative Alliance Asia and Pacific (ICA-AP) established the Asia-Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference (APCMC) in 1990. It is a quadrennial event organized to provide a platform for cooperatives and governments to discuss current and emerging issues and set a common agenda towards the establishment of new forms of cooperation between them. The APCMC helps to create a sustained and enabling policy and regulatory environment that is conducive to cooperative development.
have been held in
The conference was inaugurated by the Senator, Hon. John Button, Leader of the Government in the Senate and Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce on behalf of the Prime Minister.
The Conference was inaugurated by His Excellency Soeharto, the President
of the Republic of Indonesia, at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta.
Sri Lanka
The Conference was inaugurated by His Excellency D.B. Weejatunga,
President of Sri Lanka, at the Bhandaranayake Memorial International
Conference Hall.
The Conference was inaugurated by His Excellency Sukavich Rangsitpol, Deputy Prime Minister of the Royal Thai
The conference was inaugurated by His Excellency Wen Jiabao, Vice-Premier of the People’s Republic of China.
The Joint Declaration was presented by the Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, His Majesty’s Government of Nepal.
The Joint Declaration was presented by the Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Government of India.
The Conference was inaugurated by His Excellency Y.A.B. Dato’ Seri Abdullah HJ Ahmad Bodawi, the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
The conference was inaugurated by His Excellency Chumpol Silpa-Archa, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Sports, Kingdom of Thailand.
The conference was inaugurated by Her Excellency Madam. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, Vice President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
ICA-AP in collaboration with the Jordan Cooperative Corporation (JCC) and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is organizing the 11th Asia-Pacific Cooperative Ministers’ Conference. It will focus on the importance and need for partnerships between the government and cooperatives in the Asia Pacific and Middle Eastern and North Africa regions.
Cooperatives have been recognized as key agents of socioeconomic development, particularly in the Asia Pacific region. With their democratic, member-owned and community-oriented structure, cooperatives have the potential to foster resilience, sustainable development, and inclusive growth. To maximize their impact, collaboration between governments and cooperatives is crucial. However, to unlock the full potential and partnership between government entities and cooperatives there is a need to foster a collaborative and supportive environment, establish a clear legal framework, and develop policies that recognize the value and importance of cooperative enterprises as a vital component of the economy and society. By working together and building a strong partnership, the government and cooperatives can create a conducive environment for economic growth, job creation, and social development, benefiting both the cooperative sector and society as a whole.
The 11 th APCMC has set forth the theme “Partnerships between Government and Cooperatives for Cooperative Resilience, Sustainable Development, and Inclusive Growth in Asia Pacific and MENA region.”
Critical Study
In line with the theme of the 11th APCMC, a critical study has been commissioned to understand how far the governments are creating a conducive environment for the cooperatives to function and specific areas and nature of partnership between state/government and cooperatives. The findings from the study will be presented at the Minister’s conference.
The primary objectives of this study are as follows:
- To evaluate existing partnerships between government bodies and cooperatives in different sectors and regions (Asia-Pacific, Middle East and North Africa).
- To assess the impact of these partnerships on cooperative resilience, sustainable development, and inclusive growth.
- To identify best practices and lessons learned from successful government-cooperative collaborations.
- To provide recommendations for enhancing and scaling up such partnerships for greater socio- economic impact.
The reports of the previous critical studies can be accessed below.
First Critical Study on Cooperative Legislation and Competitive Strength, 1997

Second Critical Study on Cooperative Legislation and Policy Reforms, 2002

Third Critical Study on Cooperative Legislation and Policy Reforms, 2004

Fourth Critical Study on Cooperative Legislation and Policy Reforms, 2012