Day 0 – April 27, 2024
Arrival of the Delegates
ICA-AP Regional Board meeting (by invitation only)
Day 1 – April 28, 2024
9:00AM - 10:00AM
9:30AM - 9:50AM
Gathering of Ministers and key delegates in VIP room
10:00am – 10:50am
Inaugration of the Conference
- Video on Jordanian Cooperative Movement
– Introduction of Ministers and key delegates
-Cultural Performance
-Introduction of Ministers and key delegates
-Welcome Address – Mr. Abdelfattah M.Q. Al-Shalabi, Director General, Jordan Cooperative Corporation (JCC)
-Inaugural Address –Dr. Chandrapal Singh Yadav, President, International Cooperative Alliance – Asia and Pacific (ICA-AP)
Dr. Ariel Guarco, President, International Cooperative Alliance (ICA)
-Opening Address –H.E. Khaled Mousa Shehadeh Alhuneafat, Minister of Agriculture, Jordan
10:50AM - 11:10AM
Group Photo followed by Tea/Coffee Break
11:10AM - 11:30AM
Keynote Address
Partnerships between Government and Cooperatives for Cooperative Resilience, Sustainable Development, and Inclusive Growth
Mr. Abdelfattah M.Q. Al-Shalabi, Director General, JCC
11:30AM - 12:00PM
Introduction of the Conference
Mr. Balasubramanian Iyer, Regional Director, ICA-AP
- Statutory Proceedings - Agenda
–Announcement of Conference Chair H.E. Khaled Mousa Shehadeh Alhuneafat, Minister of Agriculture, Jordan
– Adoption of Rules and Procedures
– Selection of Drafting Committee
Session 1 – State of Partnerships in Asia-Pacific and MENA
Chair – Dr. Nizar Haddad, Director General, National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Jordan
Cooperatives play a vital role in fostering sustainable development, economic resilience, and inclusive growth in many countries in the Asia Pacific and MENA region.
These member-owned, member-operated organizations operate in variou sectors, including agriculture, finance, housing, and more. To harness their full potential, partnerships between government entities and cooperatives are important. What is the state of partnership between governments and cooperatives? What are the drivers to sustain the partnership? How do we improve government – cooperatives’ partnership?
12:00PM - 1:00PM
15 mins presentation + 15 mins open floor
Study on Assessment of Partnerships Between the Government and Cooperatives
Dr. Yashvantha Dongre, Chairperson, ICA-AP Committee on Cooperative Research (Online) supported by Dr. Samir Barhoumeh, Research Consultant, ICA-AP
1:00PM - 2:00PM
Lunch Break
2:00PM - 3:30PM
Approx. 12 – 15 min.
Statement by Government representatives
H.E. Mr. Manoa Kamikamica, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade, Cooperatives, SMEs and Communications, Fiji
H.E. Mr. Win Daki Bakri, Minister for Commerce & Industry, Papua New Guinea
H.E. U.Sec. Joseph “Joy” Ballota Encabo, Chairman, Cooperative Development Authority, the Philippines
H.E. Mr. Balaram Adhikari, Minister of Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation, Nepal
H.E. Dr. Nasri Khalil Abu Jaish, Minister of Labour, Palestine
H.E. Dr. Abass Al-haj Hassan, Minister of Agriculture, Lebanon
3:30PM - 4:00PM
Tea/Coffee Break
Session 2 – Accelerating the Cooperative Identity
Chair – Mr. Michael Pilbrow, Director and Chairman, Strategic Development Group, Australia
The Statement of Cooperative Identity unites cooperatives to work for the common good. The values and principles give people control of their own lives, their future, and form base that sets cooperatives apart from other types of enterprises. How can we ensure the cooperative business model continues to be relevant in addressing global challenges and how do we accelerate the cooperative identity?
4:00PM - 4:45PM
10 mins presentation each + 15 mins open floor
How can we ensure the cooperative business model continues to be relevant in addressing challenges?
Mr. Hani Farhan Alodainat, Director of the Cooperative Training Center, JCC
Findings from the ICA Cooperative Identity Survey
Mr. P. Santosh Kumar, Director of Legislation, ICA
How do we accelerate the cooperative identity?
Mr. Kenki Maeda, General Manager, Japan Cooperative Alliance
4:45PM - 5:30PM
Statement by Government representatives
H.E. Eng. Sultan bin Jorais AlJorais, Deputy Minister for Social Security and Empowerment, Saudi Arabia
H.E. Mr. V. N. Vasavan, Minister for Ports & Cooperation, Government of Kerala, India
Hon. Ms. Neven Alqabbaj, Minister of Social Solidarity, Egypt
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Gala Dinner
Day 2 – April 29, 2024
Session 3 – Adapting to Changing Environment and Building Resiliency
Chair – Dr. Manoj Nardeosingh, Secretary General, African-Asian Rural Development Organization
The importance of cooperatives has been recognized across countries, reflected in National Constitution, strategy documents to enhance contribution to GDP, and through creation of new Ministries. How do cooperatives respond to the rapidly changing environment? What is the support needed from governments to create an enabling environment and develop resiliency within cooperatives?
10:00AM – 11:30AM
Inclusive transformation in the Near East and North Africa
Mr. Abdul Hakim Elwaer, Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative, FAO Near East and North Africa
Agricultural Innovation and Entrepreneurship: NARC as a Case Study
Dr. Nizar Haddad, Director General, NARC, Jordan
Resilience of cooperatives recognized in the National Constitution
Ms. Om Devi Malla, Chairperson, National Cooperative Federation of Nepal
Statement by Government representatives
H.E. Dr. Hamed Veyskarami, Deputy Minister of Cooperative Affairs, Iran
Mr. Bilal Omer, Chairman, Cooperative Work Authority, Ministry of Labour, Palestine
Ms. Aicha Errifaai, General Director of the Office of Cooperation Development, Morocco
11:30AM - 12:00AM
Tea Break
12:00AM - 1:00PM
Statement by Government representatives
H.E. Yang Berhormat Datuk Ewon Benedick, Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives, Malaysia
H.E. Rajanna Kyathasandra Nanjappa, Minister for Cooperation, Government of Karnataka, India
H.E. Eng. Mohammed Hassan Qatana, Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Syria
H.E. Mr. Abass Jabur Obada Al-Ali Al-Maliki, Minister of Agriculture, Iraq
1:00PM - 2:00PM
Lunch Break
Session 4 – Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 1, 5, 8, 13)
Chair – Mr. Jeroen Douglas, Director General, ICA
Cooperatives across the Asia-Pacific and MENA region are actively involved in the implementation of the SDGs and their role has focused on SDG1 (no poverty), SDG5 (gender equality), SDG8 (decent work and economic growth), and SDG13 (climate action). The efforts of cooperatives have been recognized and are reflected in national SDG plans and in the Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) of many countries. How do governments support the role of cooperatives in the implementation of the SDGs and give more visibility and recognition to their efforts?
2:00PM - 3:00PM
ICA-AP Study on Cooperatives and VNRs
Mr. Balasubramanian Iyer, Regional Director, ICA-AP
Promoting sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Ms. Simel Esim, Head – Cooperative Unit, International Labor Organization
Strengthening policies and legislation that promote gender equality.
Ms. Chitose Arai, Chairperson, ICA-AP Committee on Women
Creating productive employment and decent work for youth.
Ms. Dulce Busmante, Chairperson, ICA-AP Committee on Youth Cooperation
3:00PM - 4:00PM
Statement by Government Representatives
Mr. Pankaj Kumar Bansal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, India
Mr. Wisit Srisuwan, Director-General of the Cooperative Promotion Department, Thailand
Mr. Hiroshi Ono, Director, Office of Consumer Cooperatve Societies, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan
Mr. Ahmed Shareef, Head of Department, Supervision and Control of Cooperatives, Ministry of Economy, United Arab Emirates
4:00PM - 4:30PM
Tea/Coffee Break
4:00PM - 5:30PM
Concluding Session
Report of the Drafting Committee, Joint Declaration and Recommendations
Closing Speech
H.E. Khaled Mousa Shehadeh Alhuneafat, Minister of Agriculture, Jordan
Mr. Abdelfattah M. Alshalabi, Director General, JCC
Vote of thanks
Mr. Balasubramanian Iyer, Regional Director, ICA-AP
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Farewell Dinner
Day 3 – April 30, 2024
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Field Visit
A visit to the Rose City of Petra (one of the wonders of the world) for heads of delegations and dignitaries, and a visit to one of the cooperatives in the region.
21:00 onwards
Departure (Late Evening Onwards)
Note: This draft of the program is subject to modification, addition, or deletion according to topics or time, and the final program will be sent prior to the conference.